Reminder that there is band practice this Friday, Feb 21, from 1900 -2100hrs at our LHQ.
Reminder that we’re at Skyzone next week, from 1830 – 2000 hrs, 615 George Boulevard, Moncton. Bring a water bottle, and dress is comfortable civilians for all.
Your Skyzone safety waiver (found here: MUST be completed by Monday Feb 24 at the latest. Your cadet will be sent home next Wednesday without it. Please email CI Bourque when you’ve completed the waiver so that we can keep track: [email protected]
If your cadet has prescription medications, the prescription medication form MUST be filled out ahead of the Feb 28 – 2 March FTX (in Argonaut– location changed) and brought to CI Bourque next Wednesday, Feb 26th. For packing, the meds need to be packed in their original containers with labels. These forms were handed out, but CI Bourque can email it to anyone who wasn’t in attendance.
The packing list for the FTX is also available upon request to anyone who didn’t get one last night.
A reminder to pay closer attention to which winter parker you’re leaving with at the end of the night. Every week we’re hunting down people who left with the wrong parka, or picking up coats that were left behind. We need you to keep a hold of your issued kit, please.